The Schipp has come in!

I recently purchased my first ‘Space Schipp’ coin from engraving specialist John Schipp of Harpuahound Studio. 

A big part of what John offers are upgrades to his stock Space Schipps….he told me he recommended the Square Cut edges as an upgrade that is good bang for the buck….(as of now I am awaiting mine to arrive today…pic above is of the Space Schipp before the upgrade was done….will update this post with pics once it arrives) then when discussing my Fidgetstyx project he graciously offered to do a trade for the upgrade. I decided that I needed to make this opportunity something awesome….so I took the design that he had just flashed me of his newest ANGR FISH logo and tried to do my best to wood burn in onto the ends of a Knuckle Roller…and here it is:

John received it earlier today and just told me he was pretty happy with it as well as the Rattle Roller that was sent for his Kids to play with.

This will not be the last time that I burn art onto Rollers…but I gotta finish getting this Teaching Masters Degree in a few more months to really clear my slate for the time needed to get properly down the Rabbit Hole. Till then I will see you here and on for Fidgetstyx drops as often as I can. ALOHA!

I also plan on adding a FULL review of the Space Schipp I ordered on, once that is posted I will add the link to this article.

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